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Error 645 & 691
Error 678 Error 680 Error 720 Number not recognised Getting engaged tone Getting disconnected Checked if Cus had CLI Cus had CLI Cus did not have CLI Checked if cus had call waiting Cus had call waiting Cus did not have call waiting Told cus how to disable it Checked if cus was using extension Cus was using metre extension Told cus maximum recomended length was 3 metres Cus was not using an extension Checked how many phones cus had on line Cus had other phones on line Checked if cus was using two way adapter Cus was Advised cus to check extension + modem cable + two way adaptor Advised cus to get line checked Deleted dialer and made new one Used 1470,, etc Cus only had one line Left cus to try and connect Deleted dialer and made new one Used 1470,, etc Cus had two lines Tried to connect Connection failed Connected OK ISDN Speedway Delete Dialer Setup new Dialer Remove all ticks from server types except TCP/IP Set modem to ISDN Internet (PPP over ISDN) Error 678, Error 629 change the driver to ISDN RAS (PPP over ISDN) Configuring Eicon Diva ISDN Configuring 3Com Courier I Modem Configuring Billion External ISDN Configuring Hayes Accura ISDN Configuring Lasat Unique 128mi Configuring LTK Columbus ISDN Configuring Motorola BitsSurfer Pro Configuring Pace ISDN Professional Configuring Xircom ISDN Configuring ZyXEL Omni TA128 Configuring Hayes Accura All these use USR SP 33600 WINMODEM PC DFVP |